

More Than 1,400 Children at Olympic Day

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Olympic spirit in the Raiffeisen Arena! In addition to the Olympic Center Upper Austria and the TipsArena, the home stadium of LASK also served as a venue for this year's Olympic Day, which attracted more than 1,400 children to Linz on Thursday.

The LASK actively participated in the event, which combines the values of sports, family, and business, and is supported by leading partners such as Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ and backaldrin. At noon, Captain Robert Zulj, Vice-Captain Philipp Ziereis, Florian Flecker, and Sascha Horvath were available for autographs in the press conference room of the Raiffeisen Arena and at the goal wall. Additionally, the kids received exclusive insights into the home stadium of LASK during stadium tours, which brought about shining eyes and radiant faces. The boys and girls were particularly excited to see the athletes' locker room.

The Olympic Day commemorates the founding of the Olympic Movement by Pierre de Coubertin in 1894 and is celebrated in all six Olympic centers in Austria. In Linz, more than 1,400 children enjoyed numerous sports stations, autograph sessions, shows, and tours. The official opening was conducted by, among others, Regional Sports Councilor Markus Achleitner, Olympic champion Christoph Sieber (Austrian Olympic Committee), Dr. Heinrich Schaller (CEO of RLB OÖ), and Ing. Mag Wolfgang Mayer (Member of the Management Board of backaldrin). Numerous local Olympic participants and medal winners, such as Lukas Weißhaidinger and Bettina Plank, also provided the kids with autographs.

Other stations led the children to an original Kornspitz bakery station and an Olympic photo station with the Eiffel Tower, an original Kornspitz goal wall, or a chill-out area with a Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ wheel of fortune.

The kids received exclusive insights into the LASK team locker room

That was the Olympic Day
